Today is a day to reflect on what we have done this year and thinking in
the projects for the next. I wanted to write this post for a vey long time and
I think now is the ideal time to do it.
In a meeting with our CIO, he did mention to Sun Tzu and the Art of War,
and how it was incredible that after 2500 years their reflections can yet be
applied to the world of management.
So here I leave
the 87 best strategic ideas from Sun Tzu.
CHAPTER 1: About the evaluation
- War is of vital importance to the State; is the domain of life or death, the road to survival or loss of empire: it must handle well. No seriously reflect on everything that concerns him is to give proof of a culpable indifference with regard to the conservation or loss of what is dearest to us; and this should not happen between us.
- The Art of War is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, he has to pretend disability; when troops move, pretend inactivity. If it is near the enemy, must make him believe that far; if you are away, pretend you are nearby.
- Hitting the enemy when he is messy. Prepare against him when he is sure everywhere. Avoid during a time when he is stronger. If your opponent has a choleric temper, try to irritate him. If he is arrogant, try to encourage their selfishness.
- If the enemy troops are well prepared after reorganization, try desordenarlas. If they are united, sowing dissension among their ranks. Attack the enemy where he is unprepared, and appears when no waiting.These are the keys to victory for the strategist.
CHAPTER 2: About the initiation of actions
- If you are besieging a town, you will exhaust your strength. If you keep your army long campaign, your supplies run out.
- I have heard of military operations that have been awkward and sudden, but I've never seen any expert in the art of war that kept the campaign for long.
- Be quick as thunder rumbles before you were able to cover your ears, quick as lightning shines before he could blink.
- A general intelligent deprive the enemy fight for their food. Each serving of food taken from the enemy equals twenty you you supply yourself.
- If you use the enemy to defeat the enemy, you will be powerful anywhere you go.
- The most important thing in a military operation is victory, not persistence. The latter is not beneficial. An army is like fire: if you turn it off, it will consume itself.
CHAPTER 3: About the propositions of victory and defeat
- It is better to retain an intact to destroy enemy.
- Those who get foreign armies helpless surrender without fighting are the best teachers of the Art of War.
- Never attack in anger and haste. It is advisable to take time in planning and coordinating the plan.
- A true master of martial arts beats other enemy forces without battle, conquers other cities without asediarlas and destroy other armies without employing long.
- The complete victory occurs when the army does not fight, the city is under siege, destruction does not last long, and in each case the enemy is overcome by the use of the strategy.
- If you know others and you know yourself, in a hundred battles will run danger; if you do not know others but know yourself, you lose a battle and win another; if you do not know or others you know yourself, you will be in danger in every battle.
CHAPTER 4: About the extent of the means available
- Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability at the opponent.
- Invincibility is a matter of defense, vulnerability, a point of attack. Until you've seen vulnerabilities in the order of battle of the adversaries, hide your own attack formation, and prepare to be invincible, in order to preserve you.When the opponents have orders to vulnerable battle, it's time to go out and attack them.
- The defense is for times of scarcity, the attack in times of plenty.
- In situations of defense, you acalláis voices and borráis traces, like ghosts and spirits hidden underground, invisible to everyone. In situations of attack, your movement is fast and your brilliant, fast scream like thunder and lightning, for which there can you prepare, even though they come from heaven.
- Everyone praises the victory in battle, but the really desirable is to see the world from the subtle and realize the world of the occult, to the point of being able to achieve victory where there is no way.
- If you are able to see the subtle and realize the occult, bursting before the order of battle, the victory so obtained is a walkover.
- When you are able to see the subtle, easy to win.
- A victorious army first wins and engaged in battle later; a defeated army first fight and try to get the win after.
CHAPTER 5: About the strength
- Experts are able to defeat the enemy by creating a favorable perception on them so get the win without exerting force.
- The disorder comes the order, cowardice value arises, weak springs of force.
- If you want to pretend disorder to convince your opponents and distract them, you have to first arrange the order, because only then you can create an artificial disorder. If you want cowardice pretend to know the strategy of opponents, you must first be extremely brave, because only then you can act as shy artificially. If you want to feign weakness to induce arrogance on your enemies, you first have to be extremely strong because only then can you pretend to be weak.
- When an army has the force of momentum, even the shy becomes brave when he loses the force of momentum, even the brave become timid. Nothing is set in the laws of war: they are developed on the basis of momentum.
- Move makes enemies with the prospect of victory, to fall into the ambush.
CHAPTER 6: About the fullness and emptiness
- Good warriors make opponents come to them, and in no way gravitate outside their strength.
- If you do that opponents come to you to fight, his strength is always empty. If you do not go to fight, your strength will always be full. This is the art of emptying others and fill yourself.
- Appears in spots and strike where least expected, causing them to have to bail.
- Be extremely subtle, discreet to the point of formlessness. Be completely mysterious and confidential, to the point of being silent. This way you can direct the destiny of your opponents.
- It comes as the wind, move like lightning, and opponents can not beat you.
- When the opponents come to attack you, do not fight with them, but you establish a strategic shift to confuse and fill uncertainty.
- Make opponents see as extraordinary what is ordinary for you; do you see as ordinary that is extraordinary for you.
- If you do that opponents do not know the place and date of the battle, you can always win.
- Do something for or against opponents to get your attention, so you can attract them to discover their behavioral patterns of attack and defense.
- Everyone knows the way by which it was winning, but nobody knows the way by which secured the victory.
- An army has no constant formation, as water has no constant shape: genius is called the capacity of victory changing and adapting as the enemy.
CHAPTER 7: The direct and indirect confrontation
- The difficulty of armed struggle is to close long distances and turning problems into advantages.
- If you ignore the plans of your opponents, you can not make accurate alliances.
- Only when you know every detail of the terrain condition you can maneuver and war.
- A military force is established through the strategy in the sense that distract the enemy so you can not know what your real situation and can not impose its supremacy.
- When a military force moves swiftly it is like the wind;when it goes slowly it is like the forest; It is voracious as fire and immovable as mountains. It is fast like the wind in the sense that comes without warning and disappears like lightning. It's like a forest that has an order. It is rapacious as fire ravaging a plain without leave behind not a blade of grass. It's still like a mountain when Barracks. It's so hard to know as darkness; their movement is like thunder rumbles.
- The first thing the movement is the "guest", the latter is the "host". The "guest" what is difficult, the "host has it easy."
- Do not chase the enemies when feign a retreat or attack expert troops.
CHAPTER 8: About nine changes
- There are routes that you should not use, armies are not to be attacked, cities that should not be surrounded, land on which should not be fighting, and civilian rulers orders should not be obeyed.
- The generals who know the possible variables to take advantage of the terrain knows how to handle the military.
- The considerations include intelligent person always objectively analyze the benefit and harm. When considering the benefits, expands its action; when you consider the damage, problems can be solved.
- Tired enemies keeping them busy and not letting them breathe.
- Good general: undertake to death, but do not cling to the hope of surviving; act according to the events, rationally and realistically, without being carried away by emotions or be subject to be confused. When they see an opportunity, they are like tigers, otherwise close their doors. Their action and inaction are matters of strategy, and can not be pleased or angry.
CHAPTER 9: About the distribution of the means
- The military maneuvers are the result of plans and strategies in the most advantageous way to win.Determine the mobility and effectiveness of the troops.
- When you combatas on a mountain, attacking from the top down and not vice versa.
- An army prefers high ground and avoid low ground, seen the light and hates the dark.
- If the emissaries of the enemy humble words pronounced as this increases their preparations for war, this means that going forward. When big words are pronounced and advanced ostentatiously, it is a sign that the enemy is going to retire. If his emissaries come with humble words, send spies to observe the enemy and you will see that it is increasing its preparations for war.
- If the enemy sees an advantage but the advantage is that it is tired.
- If gossip, lack of discipline and soldiers talk much to each other are produced, means that it has lost the loyalty of the troops. The murmurings describe the expression of true feelings; breaches of discipline indicate problems with superiors. When the command has lost the loyalty of the troops, soldiers speak frankly with each other about problems with his superiors.
- The emissaries who come with conciliatory indicate that the enemy wants a truce.
- If the enemy troops are facing you with ardor, but delay the time to go into combat without however leave the field, you have to watch carefully. They are preparing a surprise attack.
- The enemy that operates in isolation, lacking strategy and take lightly their opponents inevitably end up being defeated.
- If your plan does not contain an exit strategy or after the attack, but you rely solely on the strength of your soldiers and lightly tap your opponents without assessing their condition, with all safety fall prisoner.
- When orders are given in a clear, simple and consistent way the troops, they accept them. When orders are confusing, contradictory and changing the troops do not accept or do not understand. When orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is a reciprocal satisfaction between the leader and the group.
CHAPTER 10: About the topology
- To defeat the enemy, all military command must have one intention and all military forces must cooperate.
- When the laws of war indicate certain victory is clearly appropriate to enter into battle, even if the government has given orders not to attack. If the laws of war do not indicate a certain victory, is suitable not go into battle, although the government has given the order to attack.
- Those who know martial arts do not waste time when making their movements, nor are exhausted when they attack. Because it is said that when you know yourself and know others, victory is not a danger; when you know heaven and earth, victory is inexhaustible.
CHAPTER 11: About the nine classes of land
- The speed of action is the essential factor of the condition of military force, taking advantage of the mistakes of opponents, moving in ways they do not expect and attacking when they are not on guard.
- In an invasion, as a rule, the more the invaders in foreign territory, become stronger, to the point that the native government can no longer expel delve.
- That the movements of your troops and preparing your plans are unfathomable.
- Prohibits the omens for the avoidance of doubt
- A military operation expertly prepared should be like a swift snake that counters with its tail when someone attacks him from head Strikes head when someone attacks him by the tail and counters with head and tail, when someone attacks in the middle .
- Corresponds to be generally quiet, reserved, fair and methodical.
- Change your actions and revises his plans, so that no one can recognize them.
- You can win when nobody can understand in no time what your intentions are.
- The main deception that is valued in military operations not only directed at enemies, but begins by own troops, to follow him to one not knowing where to go.
- It uses your soldiers only in combat, without telling your strategy. Let them know the benefits that await them, but do not tell them about the potential damage. If truth be filtered, can sink your strategy. If the soldiers begin to worry, they will become hesitant and fearful.
- The task of a military operation is to pretend accommodate the enemy's intentions. If you concentrate fully on it, you can kill your overall though you're miles away. This is called expertly meet the target.
CHAPTER 12: About the Art of attack by fire
- Not enough to know how to attack others with fire, you must know how to stop others from attacking you.
- A government should not mobilize an army of anger, military leaders should not provoke war cholera.
- It works when it is profitable; otherwise withdraws. Anger can become joy, and anger can become a pleasure, but a destroyed village can not be held rebirth, and death can not become life. Consequently, an enlightened government pays attention to this, and a good military command takes this into account. This is the way to keep the nation safe and keep his army intact.
CHAPTER 13: About the concord and discord
- The information can not be obtained from ghosts or spirits, or you can have by analogy, or discover by calculation. People should be obtained; people who know the situation of the adversary.
- If not treated well spies, they can become renegades and work for the enemy.
- Unable to get the truth from spies without subtlety.
- Each case requires prior knowledge.
- Whenever you go to attack and fight, you must first know the talents of the servants of the enemy, and so you can deal with them according to their abilities.
- A brilliant ruler or a wise general who can use the most intelligent for espionage can be sure of victory.
- Espionage is essential for military operations, and the armies depend on it to carry out its actions. There will be advantageous for the army to act without knowing the enemy situation, and know the enemy situation is impossible without espionage.